Assalam Alaikum,
Many times, الله سبحانه و تعالى, sent us people to answer our duas and sometimes, الله سبحانه و تعالى, sent us people to show us how insignificant our complains are~
Just as millions of thoughts were going through my mind, الله سبحانه و تعالى, gave me opportunities to know challenges of other sisters, who in comparison, makes my challenges and tests very insignificant~
Allahu Akbar!
There is this sister who lost her daughter when her daughter was 6 months old... Husband was denied entry to the country to see the sick daughter when she was alive, so the wife had to go to court to fight for her case...
Another sister who had her husband being taken by her friend and was denied the chance to take care of her one year old daughter~ Had to bring her 2 young sons half a globe away to seek for another opportunity to survive~ Not once that she faced betrayal, but 4 times...
And a few other sisters who are facing challenges~
A whole afternoon was spent in park listening to stories and encouraging each other to have patience~
By the grace of Allah swt, we passed by the cemetery which the sister's 6 months old daughter is buried~ We decided to pay a visit~
Allah swt has an amazing way to remind us of how temporary this world is~ We passed by graves which are there since 1880s... The people in the grave stay longer in ground than we are on earth~
At the end of the day, when I reflect back on the incidents in the day, I realised Allah swt is giving me a concluding statement for all the dua I made and all the whinning and complaining...
Life on this earth is temporary and the chasing of good things in this world will divert me from something more serious... I have all that I ask for~
Be thankful, Khadijah~
Have patience~
Life on this earth will soon pass~
Do good and prepare for the long long stay in ground and for the long long long wait on the Day of Judegement~
May Allah swt keeps us all on the straight path and not let the glitter of this duniya distract us from the important responsibilities~ Ameen!
The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things),
Until ye visit the graves.
But nay, ye soon shall know (the reality).
Again, ye soon shall know!
Nay, were ye to know with certainty of mind, (ye would beware!)
Ye shall certainly see Hell-Fire!
Again, ye shall see it with certainty of sight!
Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!).
( سورة التكاثر , At-Takathur, Chapter #102, Verse #2)
W'salam, Khadijah C.