Wednesday, 10 November 2010

:: A 'modern' Muslim woman ::

Assalam Alaikum,

A Must watch video!

I shall not comment on her, as I've my bits of failure to be a good example of our Ummah~ But I couldn't help but wonder...

Seriously, we can't really blame the non-muslim for having weird and negative opinions on us, it's our Ummah that is not showing what the beauty of Islam~

May Allah(SWT) makes it easy for us and our brothers and sisters, in Islam, to be guided on the straight path and the ability to show how being a real muslim should be~ Ameen~

Khadijah C.

Editor's Note: This story comes to us from CNN White House Producer Xuan Thai and CNN White House Correspondent Susan Malveaux from Jakarta, Indonesia.

Meet Alia Wahid, a modern woman who also happens to be a devout Muslim. Suzanne Malveaux talks to this woman and discovers how Alia is able to balance life and religion in the world's most populous Muslim country.

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