Saturday, 23 March 2013

:: Chinese Masjid for women ::

Assalam Alaikum,

This video provides a great introduction of female masjids in China, with female imams~

One of the Imams on the interviewed mentioned that the younger generation of muslim females are not taking up the roles of female imams in China due to low salary and other extra distractions...

Hai... The test of the wordly glitter is irresistible~

Looking at the female issues we have in the ummah, the number of female scholars / leaders should increase, not decrease...

إن شاء الله I will get my tools ready, sharpen them... And if opportunity arises and it is the route that is planned for me, I shall go!

Enjoy the video!

Khadijah C.


  1. Why should it increase? This will create a war with men.

  2. Assalam Alaikum,

    Imams are leaders, not just to lead the prayers but so many other things to do...

    We need more female leaders like, Aisha (RA) to help the mothers in the ummah~ It is the education of mothers that will bring a quick change to the ummah, via the immediate family members...

    There are a lot of issues that only women knows, without knowing to explain much... Cause we are usually use our hearts to think more than the mind... Hence, it would be easier to communicate to a female than to a male..

    Currently, we do have a lot of sisters' circles meetings, and we do advise each other to goodness and patience... But we need more than that...

    Anyway, we should invest in educating the female... The importance of the female role can be seen by how it is attacked by the troublemakers, who create troubles in the society~

    Female does not create war with men~ We are created to be in companion with men~

    But life on this earth is a test, we do sometimes forget, hence, tend to 'fight' with the help of whispering of shaytan~

    May Allah swt keeps us on the straight path and keeps us in constant reminders that men and females are protectors of each other... Ameen!

    The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. [9:71]


Assalam Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)
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