Wednesday, 14 August 2013

..Beware of translation of Qur'an..

Assalam Alaikum, 

There are times when we see the Christians doing their 'preaching' in busy city/town centers~ 

Recently, there is this group of Christians who are giving out leaflets in city center. And I noticed that they do gave it to the muslim reverts (Well, I got it twice!)~

The two Christians that I took the leaflets from are of Asian origin... So I thought they were muslims giving dawah resources and it would be polite to take it from them when they offered~

But on closer look at the leaflets, they were about Bible and Jesus Christ~

The first time when I got the leaflet, I was in hurry and didn't take a good look at the leaflet on the spot... But the second time when I got the leaflet, I spend some time talking to the 'brother' who gave me the leaflet~

My mister was with me so we ended up having a good conversation with the 'brother', named Sam... In between conversation, we got to ask about him... He's origin from Country P, mum is a Muslim and dad's a Sikh... and one day, they decided to embrace Jesus Christ as their saviour... And so that's what he said...

I was like... (*o*)!

Anyway, Sam brought up this issue on creation in 6 days... He was using the English translation version of the Quran to debate with my mister that in Surah Fussilat (41:9-11) creation was told to be completed in 8 days~

And as we know that Arabic is way way way more superior than English... Hence, we repeatedly told him that we should not debate on the English translation as it might be translated not to the exact meaning of the word...

And so what we said is true...

According to Dr. Zakir Naik, who mentioned in the video below... There is an issue with translating and interpreting the word ثُمَّ  to English. Most English translation of the Qur'an translated it to 'then', which leads to contradiction to the addition of days to 8 days... But if ثُمَّ is to be translated as   'simultaneously', then the addition of days will be to 6 days...

Anyway, the point here I would like to make is that these Christians would choose the reverts to put confusion in them... What a technique!

hai... So much distractions on the straight path~

May Allah swt protects us and gives us the guidance to identify the right and wrong... Ameen~

Khadijah C.

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