Wednesday, 14 April 2010

:: Life journey in a video ::

Assalam Alaikum,

Assignments!!! That's what I've been doing... erRrrr... Trying to concentrate actually... hehehe~ I am thankful that at least I've got what I've always been wishing for! Just that... You know, the process of doing assignments... hmMmmm... Anyway, I'm the fortunate ones! (Great psychological push for myself eh? hehehe~)

Well, I just wanted to share with video, which my friend sent me~ 

It shows the process of Muslims going through fulfilling their obligations of 5 pillars in Islam~ It just makes me think... I gotta do this in my life, Insha'Allah~ Well, at least I'm in my second stage now... Yay!!! =D

Now that I see the video, I remembered the times when I was in the plane, getting over the middle eastern land... I was thinking when will I ever land in Mecca to perform my obligation~ And I was thinking that since I'm high up in the sky, I'm nearer to Allah(SWT)... hahaha~ Just my silly thinking in the beginning... Of course not, He's nearer to us than our jugular vein~

And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge). 
  سورة ق  , Qaf, Chapter #50, Verse #16)
When I see that there are soOooo many many muslim performing Hajj, a thought came into my mind... What happened if one gets lost? Then again, on the day of resurrection, it's only ourselves on the journey, right? 

Just taking life as an overview, it's nothing much really, except it's between individual us and Allah(SWT)... We came to this earth empty-handed and alone... and we shall die empty-handed, alone too~ 

There's no such thing as companion in the journey of death, is there? Well, when we see our loved ones suffering, we cannot take their sufferings away, can we? We have no power to do so as it's all in the hands of the Almighty~

At this stage in life where I get guidance from Allah(SWT), I learn not to be fully reliant on other human beings, but He himself that I should go to in time of needs and help~ Sounds easy but it takes a lot of self-restraint and strong belief to do so~

Maybe that explains why some people can continue their lives when their closest ones passed on, while there are some who could not take it and just give up their lives totally~ hmMmmm...

Life's a process; a discovery process... Every incident, every pain and sorrow, every joy and happiness are opportunities to learn about ourselves and our lord, right?  

Well... This is just a simple reflection from an emo girl... hee~ =D

Back to assignments! =D

Khadijah C.


  1. Assalamualaikum Sis Khadijah,

    Finally found the time to read your blog. Hope you're doing good. :)

    Alhamdulillah, I am one of the fortunate ones whom have gone and performed the Hajj. Initially I had the exact thought; "How will I fare? What will happen to me? Am I ready for this?". Then I stopped for a while and thought to myself, "Allah S.W.T is always with me, hence Him alone shall suffice.".

    Allah S.W.T is ever so compassionate and merciful. There are times when you just feel like calling it quits, but He never abandons you. He'll pave the way out even if you don't ask for it. Insha'Allah. :)

    Have fun completing your assignments!

  2. Wa'alaikum Salam,

    WahHhhh!!! Thanks soOoo much for the encouragement! Just at the right time! =D


Assalam Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)
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