Friday, 9 April 2010

:: Poverty, desperation and desires ::

Assalam Alaikum,

They were the headlines, 'Yemeni child bride dies of internal bleeding', and 'Helping Afghan child labours' that caught my attention in CNN...

Has poverty, desperation and desires really makes a human stood to its lowest, comparable to animals? I really have no answer and comment on this because I have never been in that situation of being soOoo poor... 

But I know, I am indeed blessed to be where I am now~

It hurts to see people not educated, people following their desires, people forced by their situations to do negative things... What can we do to help them? The culture is soOoo much embedded in them that it would take a long long time to educate them... Unless money solves the problems...

So, we think that the most we could do is through financial means... But even so, donations might not reach the victims, as stated in the videos~

I remembered the similar situation during the asian tsunami in 2004. I went for a volunteering trip to Sri Lanka and the NGOs there told the same story.... Funds were not really reaching them and if they were, they are not reaching them as fast as they should because of the political redtapes... haizZzz...

What is the world coming to? Why are the children suffering because of their pure innocence to the cruel world they are in?

Indeed, we are the fortunate ones...

If opportunities arise, I would love to work in UNICEF, Insha'Allah~ Something to go with education and children~ hmMmmm... That's a thought for now... Just gotta see where Allah(SWT) will lead me to next year when I graduate~ =D

Khadijah C.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum Sis Khadijah,

    I used to coin child nuptials as barbaric acts i.e. in the case of Nujood Ali. Why can't children be left as children?

    On another note, it is really nice of you to harbor such good intentions. May Allah S.W.T guide you well and make it easy for you. :)


Assalam Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)
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