Assalam Alaikum,
I've said it out! Alhamdulliah!!! For the courage and wisdom to go through the ordeal...
Just indeed, it was not easy to break such news... Family got upset but just have patience... Things will be better after the storm! =)
Alhamdulliah! I'm still at home, not threatened or chased out of the house... Alhamdulliah! Alhamdulliah! =D
O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women; and fear allah through Whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship) . Surely, allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #1)
Endure endure endure... This is a good step to take, slowly slow... I'll be weathered through all difficulties to be another Mother Khadijah! =)
May Allah(SWT) gives me patience and strength to go through this stage... Ameen~
Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in allah and the Last Day and does righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #62)
It is only Shaitan (Satan) that suggests to you the fear of his Auliya' [supporters and friends (polytheists, disbelievers in the Oneness of allah and in His Messenger, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم)]; so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers.( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #175)