Wednesday, 16 March 2011

:: Ethnocentrism ::

Assalam Alaikum,

I came upon this video posted on facebook.

It's a lecture by Penn State Professor, Sam Richards. He gave a very good perspectives on the motivations of the Americans soldiers and Iraqi residents involving in the wars... Nice one to understand how the world is now~ =) 

According to Wikipedia,

"Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that one's ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, and that all other groups are measured in relation to one's own. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity."

Khadijah C.

1 comment:

  1. this video is totally thought provoking. should have watched it sooner.


Assalam Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)
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