Wednesday, 30 March 2011

:: Malaysian denounce the construction of factory ::

Assalam Alaikum,

I came upon this news about the construction of a rare earth factory in Malaysia. Looking at the outcome of Japan incident, I personally think that this should not be done. Moreover, the reason for building it in Malaysia is because of cheap labour... At the expense of their health? I don't understand their intention.

Anyway, I shuddered at this sentence...

"If the construction goes ahead, the rare earth factory would become the largest rare earth processing plant in the world."

Well, we got to do something about this...

Khadijah C.

1 comment:

  1. the term "rare earth metals" is technically too general a term.

    thorium was briefly mentioned in the video. recalled having read something about thorium being the next big thing after uranium.

    Thorium: Next-Gen Nuclear Fuel

    Thorium Cures the Free Market

    Why Thorium Nuclear Power Is Inevitable

    all are intricately linked to the power generation industry which is greatly influenced by "peak oil" as postulated by geologist M King Hubbert in 1950s. Matt Savinar wrote an extensive (must read) article about peak oil post 2nd gulf conflict sometime 2004-2005.

    peak oil has tremendous "mind bothering" effects on those who have the good sense and wisdom to reflect upon the life in this world. among many things, it teaches humility. humans are created to survive on sustenance i.e. air, food, water. throughout history, humans have developed ever increasing reliance upon technology such that modern food & fresh water productions are heavily dependent on energy. in short, energy is simply the default means to acquire the necessary sustenance to survive. take that out of the equation, we could set ourselves back several centuries if not an impending global depopulation catastrophe.

    For believing men and believing women, without the compassion and mercy of Allah the Creator and Sustainer, all life would have perished. Do people not then realize their vulnerability and their absolute reliance upon Allah?


Assalam Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)
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