Monday, 12 July 2010

:: The Muis Lecture ::

"Forging a Common Humanity"
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf 

From time immemorial, the world has seen two sides of humanity: the creative and destructive. The former creates civilisation and unites humanity in their strife for goodness and improvements of life. The latter creates division and conflict leading to wars and enmity. Humanity's struggle has always been to ensure that the creative side of humanity prevails over the destructive side.

In this struggle, many came to realise that what unites us are far greater than the divisions and differences that came to characterise our diverse world.

It is this attempt to forge a common humanity that needs to be highlighted amidst the increasing tendency to isolate and generate enmity among societies, groups and peoples: the "us" versus "them". In this task, religion can play a positive role in uniting humanity along universal values that concerns itself with human dignity and progress.

It is the task of religion to generate greater understanding and to strive for the common good.

Muis Academy cordially invites you to the Muis Lecture which will be delivered by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on the theme "Forging a Common Humanity".

Imam Feisal is a prominent Muslim leader who dedicates his works on building bridges between Muslims and the West. His efforts focus on inter-civilisational dialogue and interfaith issues.

The Lecture will be chaired by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs.

Event details

Date: Friday 16 July 2010
Time: 7.45pm - 10.00pm (Registration starts at 7.15pm)
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Grant Hyatt Hotel
(Prayer place is provided)
Click here to download the registration form

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