Saturday, 31 July 2010

:: Practical Lessons from Seerah for Modern Age ::

Assalam Alaikum,

When there is peace, Islam will spread... Interesting lecture to listen to! =) 

In this lecture, delivered at Peace Conference 2009, Sheikh Abdul Bary Yahya extracts crucial lessons from the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) for the modern age, especially those Muslims living as minorities in non-Muslim societies. It will be followed by Q&A session. Get those notebooks out.

Most people fail to realize that the Prophet (saws) for the first 13 years, after revelation, lived in a non-Muslim society. The companions of the Prophet (saws) lived as a minority in a non-Muslim society for over a decade.

There are many practical lessons that we can extract from that time period for the modern age. The solution to the injustice and oppression towards the Muslims today, whether it be by taking away their rights, freedom to practice their religion, or invading their lands...

The solution to all of this is in the Seerah! The blueprint has been laid out and explained to us in the Sunnah by our Prophet Muhammad (saws). Will we study it, extract lessons and implement them? Some of the points sheikh AbdulBary Yahya will discuss:

  • How to survive in non-Muslim societies
  • How to react/respond to attacks on Muslims and Islam
  • How to respond to the international media & propaganda
  • Importance of media and the media of the Prophet (saws)
  • Obligation of the Muslims in the West
  • How do we overcome opposition and our weaknesses
  • Peace treaty of Hudaybiyyah and why Allah called it a victory
  • Importance of Education for Muslims today
  • How do we deal with the enemies (prisoners of war)
  • Severity of Debt (credit cards, interest, etc)

Khadjiah C.

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